Hello. Today I would like to talk to you about the difference between
STUPIDITY When one is insane does that make them stupid? I would ask a real live insane person ,unfortunately I don't know one.(unless I count myself.) I was having this conversation with someone yesterday, My sister says that she thinks most people have the same idea of insanity, because most of us know the definition of it in our minds already. All I know is that a lot of us don't know the definition of insanity off the top of our heads. So all of us must have different opinions of what insanity is. Is it that guy who raped ,and killed a woman but didn't know it? Is it that girl that just went off with two guys she didn't know? Or is it that mom who just smacked her little boy so hard he started bleeding? Maybe its the husband who just hit his wives puppy with a wrench. What makes insane... insane. My sister said that an insane person has to be stupid to some extent-I mean they are insane after all. Are they stupid though? Or is it just that they are
SO SMART that they see the world in such a new different view that we cant even dream about.....so we call it insanity. Maybe the world is one big lie. Maybe
WE are the insane ones because we aren't listening to the supposedly already "insane" ones..................................................................................
ALSO! You know how everyone thinks Emos{that's right I capitalized it what are you going to do about it!!}cut themselves? Well, maybe some do.
I don't. Maybe the
True cutters are those who cut themselves on the inside. Think about it. Really people who cut themselves just want attention. But people who think to themselves "i want to do it but I'm to afraid." they want to but they don't want to for the attention they want to because they
REALLY feel like shit! We never know it though. It could be the happiest person you know just hiding behind a mask so they wont worry you. Its really all just a
Secret Society that none of us know about. Do we really know are friends? I mean sure we
know them, but do we really
know them. When you ask your friends
"What are you thinking?" you don't expect to hear
"I'm thinking about the Apocalypse and who I'm going to go to in the End. If I will be able to make it to anyone at all." In a serious way not a funny way. If you ask your friends that question ,and correct them when they are confused, then ask them it again I bet if your friend is a
Really deep thinker then it will blow your mind what they say. Anyways this has gone on
way too long. Goodbye!!!!